Jonathan Turley: The Struggle for and Promise of Free Speech Sept. 1, 2024 Discussing The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage by Jonathan Turley Real Clear Politics PDF version
The International Court of Justice on Trial Jan. 25, 2024 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Bulwark Writers Double Down on Trump as Democracy’s Destroyer Jan. 21, 2024 Discussing "Anti-Trump Means Anti-Democracy? You Can’t Be Serious" by Ronald Radosh and Gabriel Schoenfeld Real Clear Politics PDF version
The Primitive Pacifism of Pope Francis’ Lecture to Israel Dec. 13, 2023 with David B. Rivkin The Wall Street Journal PDF version
Steadying Israel by Recalibrating the Separation of Powers Sep. 10, 2023 Discussing The Moment Before the Constitutional Chaos by Raz Nizri Real Clear Politics PDF version
Restoring Conditions in Israel that Make Compromise Viable Sep. 3, 2023 Discussing Israel’s Elites Revolt Against Democracy by Gadi Taub Real Clear Politics PDF version
Averting Constitutional Crisis in Israel Aug. 13, 2023 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Israel’s Constitutional Counterrevolution Feb. 5, 2023 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Faith and Human Rights at the G20 Religion Forum in Indonesia Nov. 5, 2022 Based on remarks delivered Nov. 3, 2022, at the G20 Religion Forum in Bali, Indonesia Real Clear Politics PDF version
Religious Liberty and Natural-Rights Constitutionalism Oct. 30, 2022 Discussing Religious Liberty and the American Founding by Vincent Phillip Muñoz Real Clear Politics PDF version
Cornell, Due Process, and Liberal Education June 12, 2022 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Too Good to Be True: The Virtues and Vices of Common-Good Constitutionalism Mar. 20, 2022 A review of Common Good Constitutionalism by Adrian Vermeule The Washington Free Beacon PDF version
Responsibly Championing Human Rights Nov. 21, 2021 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Secretary Blinken Politicizes Human Rights Apr. 9, 2021 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Conflating Criticism and Cancellation Mar. 13, 2021 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Commission on Unalienable Rights: Lessons Learned by Peter Berkowitz and Mary Ann Glendon Jan. 8, 2021 Real Clear Politics PDF version
A Conversation with Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Peter Berkowitz on Unalienable Rights Oct. 2020 Uncommon Knowledge, with Peter Robinson
The Pattern and Purpose of China’s Actions Oct. 25, 2020 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Rights and Regulation in the Internet Age May 17, 2020 Real Clear Politics PDF version
1619, and Respecting the Facts of America's Founding Feb. 19, 2020 Real Clear Politics
Unalienable Rights, Reconstruction, and Constitutional Continuity Oct. 19, 2019 Real Clear Politics
Israel Wrestles With Nationalism and Freedom Aug. 29, 2018 Discussing The Virtue of Nationalism by Yoram Hazony Real Clear Politics PDF version
The Tangled Web Comey Weaves Apr. 27, 2018 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Liberal Education and Liberal Democracy Apr. 20, 2018 A revised and expanded version of the 2018 Scalia Lecture The Weekly Standard PDF version
10 Questions that ABC Didn't Ask Comey Apr. 17, 2018 Real Clear Politics PDF version
The 2018 Justice Antonin Scalia Lecture Feb. 5, 2018 Delivered at Harvard Law School
Comey and Mueller Imperil the Rule of Law Oct. 24, 2017 Wall Street Journal PDF version
Confronting the Administrative Power Grab June 11, 2017 Discussing The Administrative Threat by Philip Hamburger Real Clear Politics PDF version
Trump Can Help Debunk Alleged College 'Rape Culture' Jan. 29, 2017 Discussing The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America’s Universities by KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor, Jr. Real Clear Politics PDF version
Weaponized International Law Jan. 7, 2017 Real Clear Politics PDF version
A Poor Guide for Trump's High Court Choices Nov. 28, 2016 Discussing The Constitution Today by Akhil Reed Amar Real Clear Politics PDF version
Berkeley Betrays Due Process Again Sept. 6, 2016 Defining Ideas PDF version
Comey Failed to Act in the Public Interest July 16, 2016 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Strassel Nails the Left's 'Intimidation' Crusade June 18, 2016 Discussing The Intimidation Game by Kimberly Strassel Real Clear Politics PDF version
An Assault on Due Process at UC Berkeley May 17, 2016 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Why King v. Burwell Should Cheer the Right July 7, 2015 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Paulsens Give the Constitution Its Due June 7, 2015 Discussing The Constitution: An Introduction by Michael Stokes Paulsen and Luke Paulsen Real Clear Politics PDF version
Judith Miller Recants; Where's the Media? Apr. 18, 2015 Real Clear Politics PDF version
The False Evidence Against Scooter Libby (op-ed page version) Apr. 7, 2015 Wall Street Journal
The False Evidence Against Scooter Libby (extended version) Apr. 6, 2015 Wall Street Journal (online exclusive)
The Demise of Due Process on Campus Dec. 26, 2014 Real Clear Politics PDF version
US Colleges' Sexual Assault Crusade Sept. 5, 2014 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Affirmative Action and the Demotion of Truth June 24, 2014 Discussing Cheating: An Insider's Report on the Use of Race in Admissions at UCLA by Tim Groseclose Real Clear Politics PDF version
The DA, Duke Lacrosse and Higher-Ed Hypocrisy Apr. 17, 2014 Discussing The Price of Silence by William D. Cohan Real Clear Politics PDF version
On College Campuses, a Presumption of Guilt Feb. 28, 2014 Real Clear Politics PDF version
The Spirit of Conservative Reform Feb. 8, 2014 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Secrecy and Accountability in a Digital Age Jan. 16, 2014 Republished from The Briefing Real Clear Politics PDF version
Church, State and Neutrality: A Helpful Guidebook Nov. 11, 2013 Discussing Defending American Religious Neutrality by Andrew Koppelman Real Clear Politics PDF version
The Harm in Hate Speech Laws Fall 2013 A review of The Harm in Hate Speech by Jeremy Waldron The Hedgehog Review PDF version
Are Universities Above the Law? May 20, 2013 The Weekly Standard PDF version
The Imperiled Freedom the Candidates Ignored Nov. 21, 2012 Real Clear Politics PDF version
Friendly Fire: A Response and Rejoineder Fall 2012 Jewish Review of Books PDF version
The Constitution and Globalization Aug./Sept. 2012 A review of Taming Globalization: International Law, the US Constitution, and the New World Order by Julian Ku and John Yoo Policy Review PDF version
Reading into the Constitution June/July 2012 A review of Living Originalism by Jack M. Balkin Policy Review PDF version
On Goldstone, the Flotilla Incident and More Apr. 13, 2012 A discussion of Israel and the Struggle Over the International Laws of War PDF version
Sex Smears and the Rule of Law at Yale Feb. 4, 2012 The Wall Street Journal PDF version
Shawcross on Terror Feb./Mar. 2012 A review of Justice and the Enemy: From the Nuremberg Trials to Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, by William Shawcross Policy Review PDF version
Clarence Thomas, Plato and 'Grand Theft Auto' July 1, 2011 The Wall Street Journal PDF version
Liberal Internationalism and Freedom June/July 2011 A review of Liberal Leviathan: The Origins, Crisis, and Transformation of the American World Order by G. John Ikenberry Policy Review PDF version
Upon Further Review . . . Apr. 18, 2011 The Weekly Standard PDF version
Is Yale University Sexist? Apr. 16, 2011 The Wall Street Journal PDF version
The Goldstone Mess Apr./May. 2011 A review of The Goldstone Report: The Legacy of the Landmark Investigation of the Gaza Conflict, edited by Adam Horowitz, Lizzy Ratner and Philip Weiss Policy Review PDF version
Thinking About Torture Feb./Mar. 2011 A review of Because It Is Wrong: Torture, Privacy, and Presidential Power in the Age of Terror by Charles Fried and Gregory Fried Policy Review PDF version
Understanding the Geneva Conventions June/July 2010 A review of Geneva Conventions by Gary D. Solis and Fred L. Borch Policy Review PDF version
Harvard Law vs. Free Inquiry May 17, 2010 The Weekly Standard PDF version
Can Sarkozy Justify Banning the Veil? Apr. 5, 2010 The Wall Street Journal PDF version
The Exceptional Document Apr./May 2010 A review of The Citizen's Constitution: An Annotated Guide by Seth Lipsky Policy Review PDF version
The Lawyering of War Feb./Mar. 2010 A review of The War on Terror and the Laws of War: A Military Perspective by Michael Lewis, Eric Jensen, Geoffrey Corn, Victor Hansen, Richard Jackson and James Schoettler Policy Review PDF version
Obama's Empathy Test July 13, 2009 The Weekly Standard (online exclusive) PDF version
Constitutional Conservatism Feb./Mar. 2009 Policy Review PDF version PDF version
Conservatives Can Unite Around the Constitution Jan. 2, 2009 The Wall Street Journal PDF version
Are Universities Above the Law? Oct. 27, 2008 The Weekly Standard PDF version
Power Misdirected Fall 2008 The Hoover Digest PDF version
Vulgarizing the War Debate Aug./Sept. 2007 A review of The Matador's Cape: America's Reckless Response to Terror by Stephen Holmes Policy Review PDF version
Illiberal Liberalism Apr. 2007 A review of Is Democracy Possible Here? Principles for a New Political Debate by Ronald Dworkin First Things PDF version
Freedom at War Sept. 18, 2006 A review of Not a Suicide Pact: The Constitution in a Time of National Emergency by Richard A. Posner The Weekly Standard PDF version
US Military: 8, Elite Law Schools: 0 Mar. 20, 2006 The Weekly Standard PDF version
Executive Muscle Jan. 15, 2006 A review of The Powers of War and Peace: The Constitution and Foreign Affairs after 9/11 by John Yoo The New York Post PDF version
Lacking the Wisdom of Solomon Dec. 5, 2005 National Review (online exclusive) PDF version
Democratizing the Constitution Dec. 2005/Jan. 2006 A review of Active Liberty: Interpreting our Democratic Constitution by Stephen Breyer Policy Review PDF version
Laws of Nations Apr./May 2005 A review of A New World Order by Anne-Marie Slaughter, The Limits of International Law by Jack Goldsmith and Eric Posner, and Law without Nations? Why Constitutional Government Requires Sovereign States by Jeremy Rabkin Policy Review PDF version
Bush v. Gore Comes Back Sept. 23, 2004 p. 9 The New York Sun PDF version
Two Out of Three Ain't Bad July 19, 2004 The Weekly Standard PDF version
Destructive Decision July 12, 2004 p. 9 The New York Sun PDF version
The Lawfulness of the Election Decision: A Reply to Professor Tribe May 2004 Vol. 49, Issue 3, p. 259 Villanova Law Review PDF version
Point of View: Rules and Grievances October 10, 2003 p. B16 The Chronicle of Higher Education PDF version
Dubious Diversity July 7/14, 2003 pp. 14-16 The Weekly Standard PDF version
Liberals versus Religion July 15, 2002 pp. 13-16 The Weekly Standard PDF version
Wilentz's Fabricated Scalia July 11, 2002 National Review (online exclusive) PDF version
Senator Schumer Performs an Unexpected Service May 17, 2002 National Review (online exclusive) PDF version
The Senate Judiciary Committee's Opportunity Apr. 22, 2002 National Review (online exclusive) PDF version
Kafka in Massachusetts Apr. 1, 2002 pp. 15-16 The Weekly Standard PDF version
Tribe v. Truth Feb. 4, 2002 pp. 29-33 The Weekly Standard PDF version
The Continuing Controversy Over Bush v. Gore Dec. 12, 2001 National Review (online exclusive) PDF version
The Professors and Bush v. Gore Autumn 2001 pp. 76-89 The Wilson Quarterly PDF version
Down to the Wire July 27, 2001 A review of Deadlock by the political staff of The Washington Post; Bush v. Gore, edited by E.J. Dionne Jr. and William Kristol; 36 Days by correspondents of The New York Times; and The Perfect Tie by James W. Ceaser and Andrew E. Busch p. 27 The Times Literary Supplement PDF version
Reckless Disregard, II July 20, 2001 A review of The Betrayal of America: How the Supreme Court Undermined the Constitution and Chose our President by Vincent Bugliosi National Review (online exclusive) PDF version
Reckless Disregard July 13, 2001 A review of Supreme Injustice: How the High Court Hijacked Election 2000 by Alan Dershowitz National Review (online exclusive) PDF version
Complex, My Dear Holmes May 25, 2001 A review of Law without Values by Albert W. Alschuler p. 14 Times Literary Supplement PDF version
The Futility of Utility June 5, 2000 A review of Law and Social Norms by Eric A. Posner pp. 38-44 The New Republic PDF version
Reduction and Betrayal Aug. 23, 1999 A review of The Problematics of Moral and Legal Theory by Richard A. Posner pp. 38-45 The New Republic PDF version
Fair Harvard May 26, 1999 p. 8 The Harvard Crimson PDF version
Book Review Mar. 1998 A review of Free Markets and Social Justice by Cass R. Sunstein pp. 213-214 The American Political Science Review PDF version
Book Review Summer 1993 A review of We the People, Vol. 1: Foundations by Bruce Ackerman pp. 692-697 Eighteenth Century Studies PDF version
Toward a Feminist Orthodoxy 1991 A review of Toward a Feminist Theory of the State by Catharine MacKinnon 3, pp. 301-314 Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities PDF version